1.There once was a girl named Jen.
Who was bringing a keychain.
The door was opened.
A cute cat was dead.
The cat was stung by a pen.

2.Here is the tale of John.
The tale is so funny.
John is funny.
We are lucky.
The story will be shown.

3.I once met a guy named Luke.
Everyday he reads a book.
But whenever he goes.
He alwasys meets the doves.
The doves were killed by Luke.

Shavia, Paul, Peggy and Sharon.

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Gathering on 20th Feb 2008
Hosts: Shavia and Joyce

7:30-8:10 Limerick Practice
8:10-8:30 King game
8:30-8:40 break time
8:40-9:10 Reading and Vocabulary practice
9:10-9:30 Our orphanage plan

Cheers and Love,

Shavia and Joyce

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Dear all,

After i sent them a email,
I found there are some information about volunteer.
Please see the linking:

It's more critical to be a volunteer or volunteer group.
Anyway, I didn't do the research well.
Maybe this plan will be changed.
Just see how the manager reply us!
I'm sorry for this!

I'm going to write them another mail
If we have any response, i'll tell you!


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Vocabulary from Essential English table etiquette

1. Etiquette: formal rules of manner
2. Cutlery: as knives、forks、and spoons、used at the table for serving and eating food.
3. Immediate: having no object or space intervening; nearest or next
4. Blade: the cutting part of a knife
5. Tine: a sharp、projecting point or prong、as of a fork.
6. Slurp: eat noisily; "He slurped his soup"
7. Burp: expel gas from the stomach (打飽嗝)
8. Sneeze: to blow out air suddenly (打噴嚏)
9. Screw up: To make a mess of
10. Loosely: These adjectives mean not tautly bound、held、or fastened
11. Tip: 傾斜cause to topple or tumble by pushing
12. Scoop: 舀空;挖空;挖出;挖成To take up or dip into with or as if with a scoop.
13. Spill: 灑,跌落to (cause something to) fall

Vocabulary from The Origins of Valentine's Day

1. romantic(n.): someone who shows strong feelings of love
2. decree(n.): an official order or decision
3. defy(v.): to refuse to obey a law or rule; defiance(n.)
4. Christianity(n.):the religion related to Jesus Christ
5. confinement(n.): the act of putting someone in prison
6. allege(v.): to say something is true or wrong、although it hasn't been proved
7. murky(a.): complicated and difficult to understand
8. sympathetic(a.): sharing、affected by the feelings of others
9. heroic(a.): brave、like a hero

Extra vocabulary:
Utensil: an instrument or vessel used in everyday life (日常廚房用的)用具
Tableware: (總稱)餐具; silverware 銀製餐具
A summer camp: 夏令營
Tutor: 輔導教師
blow one's nose: 擤鼻涕

Freetalk:Offer ideas about the E-concussioners anniversary in orphanage?

1. We should do some research first.
(1) The age of kids
(2) The situation of kids (do they have any problem or what’s their English ability)
(3) What the children need?
2. Main activity:
(1) English teaching
(2) Play games with them (use game to warm up or teach English)
(3) Performance (the kids will be the main players or both of kids and us); Musical performance
(4) Indian dance taught by Joyce
(5) Teaching English songs
(6) Card game
(7) Story Chain
(8) Change game in groups
(9) The game "What's your breakfast" we played before
(10) 貓抓老鼠
(11) Counting numbers with eyes closed (Sharon's game)
(12) 闖關遊戲(大地遊戲)
(13) Body Ring
(14) 支援前線
(15) 踩紙板
3. Maybe we can also celebrate the Children’s day (4/4).

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Gathering on 2/13

Part I – Reading
7:30-7:50 The origins of Valentine's Day
7:50-8:10 table etiquette
Please try to memerize new vocabularies in Part I
We will use them in Games

Part II – Games
8:10-8:25 card game
8:25-8:45 role paly
8:45-8:50 take a rest

Part III
8:50-9:30 free talk
Topic: What activities E-concussioners can do in orphanage?

Happy New Year

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=Answers of Vocabulary Guessing Game=
Franz Collection:
Pivotal adj. crucial; affecting the success of something

Oriental adj. of、relating to、or characteristic of the orient
n. a native or inhabitant of East Asia、or a person of East Asian descent

Craft n. a art or trade requiring special skill、especially with hand

Interpret v. to explain the meaning of; translate

Intricate adj. complicated

Encompass v. to encircle; surround to include completely

innovation n. a new idea、method、or invention

revive v. to come or bring back into use or existence

heritage: an object、custom、or quality which is passed down over many years within a family、social group、or nation and is thought of as belonging to all its members

sustainable: enable to keep in existence over a long period

Taroko Gorge:
1. Gorge 峽谷: a deep narrow valley with steep sides
2. stunning 非常吸引人的: extremely attractive or beautiful; very surprising or shocking
3. marble 大理石: a type of hard rock that becomes smooth when it is polished、and is used for making buildings、statues、etc.
4. canyon 峽谷: a deep valley with very steep sides of rock that usually has a river running through it
5. dedicate 奉獻: to give all your attention and effort to one particular thing
6. deceased 已故的人: someone who has died、especially recently
7. draw 吸引: to make someone notice something
8. exhilarating 令人振奮的: making you feel happy、excited、and full of energy
9. towering 高聳的: very tall
10. cliff 懸崖: a large area of rock or a mountain with a very steep side、often at the edge of the sea or a river
11. numerous 很多的: many
12. trail 步道、小道: a rough path across countryside or through a forest
13. scattered 散佈的: spread over a wide area or over a long period of time
14. boulder 巨石: a large round piece of rock
15. enticing 誘人的: attracting or interesting you a lot
16. untapped 未開發的: hasn’t been used
17. imply 暗示: to suggest that something is true、without saying this directly
18. tadpole 蝌蚪: a small creature that has a long tail、lives in water、and grows into a frog or toad

=New words from Free Talk=
peace maker 和事佬
offload (v.) 發洩
take out on sb. 對某人發洩
sense and sensibility 理性與感性
rational 理性的
redeem; save; reverse (v.) 挽回、挽救
I got it. I see. No wonder. Gotcha.(=Got you.) So that’s why. 原來如此
love-crossed; lovelorn (a.) 失戀的
be crossed in love 失戀
cubic 立方體的

=Free talk part=
When you break up with your partner (or good friend)、what would you do to recover form the pain?

*Michael would say sorry first even it was not his fault. He doesn’t quarrel with friends because he thinks peace is the most important thing in a relationship.

*James would eat、listen to music or walk alone on the streets when having a quarrel with his partner or friend. After doing one of these things、he will feel better.

*Sharon would listen to some happy songs、read books or console herself. Tell herself that the thing wasn’t so bad like what she thought. Try to calm herself down.

*Amy would write what happened in her diary or sleep to let the bad feelings go away.

*Peggy would watch comedies or talk to her friends to find the way out.

=Answers of Taroko Gorge=
Q: 1. Which country or which place do you want to visit the most? Why?
2. What is the favorite place you like in Taiwan?
3. If you have a chance to arrange a historical tour、what kind of trip would you like to arrange?

1. Bhutan (不丹) is the most happiest country among the world. Her government chooses to rise the rate of contentment not GDP.
2. Hualien、Taroko Gorge. I love the nature and beautiful scenery there. I feel so enjoyable when soaking in nature there.
3. Mountain climbing or any trip that connects people with nature.

1. I want to visit England、because my friend said there are many castles and the scenery is beautiful. I also want to experience the culture shock there!
2. Hualien. The view of sea there is beautiful、and the breeze there makes me comfortable. We can take a walk along the sea coast、ride bicycles and chat with friends. How great it would be.
3. If you’d like to have a trip in Taipei、I would recommend you to go to Lungshan Temple (龍山寺) or Paoan Temple (保安宮). There are beautiful temples in Taiwan. If you’d like to have a trip in eastern Taiwan、I would recommend you to go to Peikang Chaotien Temple (北港朝天宮).

1. Israel. I’ve read one article that it said there is a place which is the most beautiful place in the world.
2. I like the place which combines the weather in Kenting、convenience in Taipei and population density in eastern Taiwan.
3. I’d like to rearrange the trip to Kenting. I’d change the sight seeing to more water sports.

1. I want to visit Italy. I dreamed about lying on a chaise lounge (躺椅) in a balcony in an afternoon.
2. It’s Fushoushan Farm (福壽山農場).
3. China. I’ll follow the Jin-Yong (金庸) novels then visit every place and review the novels at the same time.

1. Vienna. It’s a lovely place and looks like the scene in fairy tales.
2. Wuling Farm. (武陵農場)
3. (1) Swim over Sun Moon Lake (日月潭) with Econcussioners.
(2) Wear little and jog in nature.

1. I would like to visit Italy most、『cuz it is a beautiful country、and the food it tasty.
2. I like Taipei、『cuz it’s my hometown.
3. Kyoto. I would like to wandering around the city and visit all those marvelous temples.

1. I’d like to visit Australia. The place is beautiful、and people there are kind. I can relax and go surfing there.
2. Lanyu (蘭嶼). There are few people、and it isn’t convenient to get there. So I think there is a better view.

1. Hualien. Because it’s beautiful and when I am there、I always feel peaceful there.
2. Hualien.
3. Britain.

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