Vocabulary from Essential English table etiquette

1. Etiquette: formal rules of manner
2. Cutlery: as knives、forks、and spoons、used at the table for serving and eating food.
3. Immediate: having no object or space intervening; nearest or next
4. Blade: the cutting part of a knife
5. Tine: a sharp、projecting point or prong、as of a fork.
6. Slurp: eat noisily; "He slurped his soup"
7. Burp: expel gas from the stomach (打飽嗝)
8. Sneeze: to blow out air suddenly (打噴嚏)
9. Screw up: To make a mess of
10. Loosely: These adjectives mean not tautly bound、held、or fastened
11. Tip: 傾斜cause to topple or tumble by pushing
12. Scoop: 舀空;挖空;挖出;挖成To take up or dip into with or as if with a scoop.
13. Spill: 灑,跌落to (cause something to) fall

Vocabulary from The Origins of Valentine's Day

1. romantic(n.): someone who shows strong feelings of love
2. decree(n.): an official order or decision
3. defy(v.): to refuse to obey a law or rule; defiance(n.)
4. Christianity(n.):the religion related to Jesus Christ
5. confinement(n.): the act of putting someone in prison
6. allege(v.): to say something is true or wrong、although it hasn't been proved
7. murky(a.): complicated and difficult to understand
8. sympathetic(a.): sharing、affected by the feelings of others
9. heroic(a.): brave、like a hero

Extra vocabulary:
Utensil: an instrument or vessel used in everyday life (日常廚房用的)用具
Tableware: (總稱)餐具; silverware 銀製餐具
A summer camp: 夏令營
Tutor: 輔導教師
blow one's nose: 擤鼻涕

Freetalk:Offer ideas about the E-concussioners anniversary in orphanage?

1. We should do some research first.
(1) The age of kids
(2) The situation of kids (do they have any problem or what’s their English ability)
(3) What the children need?
2. Main activity:
(1) English teaching
(2) Play games with them (use game to warm up or teach English)
(3) Performance (the kids will be the main players or both of kids and us); Musical performance
(4) Indian dance taught by Joyce
(5) Teaching English songs
(6) Card game
(7) Story Chain
(8) Change game in groups
(9) The game "What's your breakfast" we played before
(10) 貓抓老鼠
(11) Counting numbers with eyes closed (Sharon's game)
(12) 闖關遊戲(大地遊戲)
(13) Body Ring
(14) 支援前線
(15) 踩紙板
3. Maybe we can also celebrate the Children’s day (4/4).
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