Thanks everyone ! so nice to have you in my life.

Next round host schedule :

3/12 James & Leo
3/19 Joyce & Peggy
3/26 Amy & Carey
4/2 Shavia & Sharon

by the way , please email your group plan of orphanage to me before 3/13
Thanks a lot


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Below are the procedure of 3/5, please check it:
7:30~7:50 Test(Pls review what we learned from last three
7:50~8:00 Take a rest
8:00~8:40 Let's play game
8:40~9:10 Free talk
(Let's share the most ? dream that you had ever
dreamed.(ex:scare,sweet,impressive...)or you
could even share "have you ever dream about any
econcussioner?and what are they doing in your
Each one got 5 mins to share.
9:10~9:40 Discuss orphanage plan
Let's have fun this time.

Looking forward to see you,
Carey & Sharon

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Thanks for your participation.
We didn't did a very good preparation, say sorry again!

Traditional Taiwanese Delicacy

a.. 燒餅   Clay oven rolls
b.. 油條   Fried bread stick
c.. 韭菜盒  Fried leek dumplings
d.. 水餃   Boiled dumplings
e.. 蒸餃   Steamed dumplings
f.. 饅頭   Steamed buns
g.. 割包   Steamed sandwich
h.. 飯糰   Rice and vegetable roll
i.. 蛋餅   Egg cakes
j.. 皮蛋   100-year egg
k.. 鹹鴨蛋  Salted duck egg
l.. 豆漿   Soybean milk
m.. 米漿   Rice & peanut milk
a.. 稀飯   Rice porridge
b.. 白飯   Plain white rice
c.. 油飯   Glutinous oil rice
d.. 糯米飯  Glutinous rice
e.. 滷肉飯  Braised pork rice
f.. 蛋炒飯  Fried rice with egg
g.. 地瓜粥  Sweet potato congee
a.. 餛飩麵  Wonton & noodles
b.. 刀削麵  Sliced noodles
c.. 麻辣麵  Spicy hot noodles
d.. 麻醬麵  Sesame paste noodles
e.. 鴨肉麵  Duck with noodles
f.. 鵝肉麵  Goose with noodles
g.. 鱔魚麵  Eel noodles
h.. 烏龍麵  Seafood noodles
i.. 蚵仔麵線 Oyster thin noodles
j.. 板條   Flat noodles
k.. 米粉   Rice noodles
l.. 炒米粉  Fried rice noodles
m.. 冬粉   Green bean noodle
n.. 榨菜肉絲麵  Pork , pickled mustard green noodles
a.. 魚丸湯  Fish ball soup
b.. 貢丸湯  Meat ball soup
c.. 蛋花湯  Egg & vegetable soup
d.. 蛤蜊湯  Clams soup
e.. 蚵仔湯  Oyster soup
f.. 紫菜湯  Seaweed soup
g.. 酸辣湯  Sweet & sour soup
h.. 餛飩湯  Wonton soup
i.. 豬腸湯  Pork intestine soup
j.. 肉羹湯  Pork thick soup
k.. 花枝湯  Squid soup
l.. 花枝羹  Squid thick soup
a.. 愛玉   Vegetarian gelatin
b.. 糖葫蘆  Tomatoes on sticks
c.. 長壽桃  Longevity Peaches
d.. 芝麻球  Glutinous rice sesame balls
e.. 麻花   Hemp flowers
f.. 雙胞胎  Horse hooves
a.. 綿綿冰  Mein mein ice
b.. 麥角冰  Oatmeal ice
c.. 地瓜冰  Sweet potato ice
d.. 八寶冰  Eight treasures ice
e.. 豆花   Tofu pudding
f.. 紅豆牛奶冰  Red bean with milk ice
a.. 甘蔗汁  Sugar cane juice
b.. 酸梅汁  Plum juice
c.. 楊桃汁  Star fruit juice
d.. 青草茶  Herb juice / ptisan
a.. 蚵仔煎  Oyster omelet
b.. 棺材板  Coffin
c.. 臭豆腐  Stinky tofu
d.. 油豆腐  Oily bean curd
e.. 麻辣豆腐 Spicy hot bean curd
f.. 天婦羅  Tenpura
g.. 蝦片   Prawn cracker
h.. 蝦球   Shrimp balls
i.. 春捲   Spring rolls
j.. 雞捲   Chicken rolls
k.. 碗糕   Salty rice pudding
l.. 筒仔米糕 Rice tube pudding
m.. 紅豆糕  Red bean cake
n.. 綠豆糕  Bean paste cake
o.. 豬血糕  Pigs blood cake
p.. 糯米糕  Glutinous rice cakes
q.. 芋頭糕  Taro cake
r.. 肉圓   Taiwanese Meatballs
s.. 水晶餃  Pyramid dumplings
t.. 肉丸   Rice-meat dumplings
u.. 蘿蔔糕  Fried white radish patty
v.. 豆干   Dried tofu
a.. 當歸鴨  Angelica duck
b.. 檳榔   Betel nut
c..火鍋 Hot pot 或 Meat pot

醃:pickle、to preserve with salt
切(菜): slice

棗子:Chinese date、jujube
火龍果:dragon fruit
釋迦:custard apple、sugar apple


syrup n.糖漿,糖水
allium n.蔥
bean sprouts 豆芽菜
sprout n.嫩芽 v.發芽
alfalfa sprout 苜蓿芽
cabbage n.包心菜,高麗菜
swallow v.吞嚥;忍受;壓抑 n.燕子
offensive smell 腥味
rammish adj.腥味濃烈的
gelatin n.凝膠
intestine n.腸 adj.國內的
hoof n.蹄 v.踩踏;步行
otmeal n.燕麥粥;燕麥片
coffin n.棺材 v.收殮
shrimp chip 蝦片

About the Orphanage Plan:

Time: 12 April 9:00~12:00am
Children: 16 elementary school kids, 11 high shool students
Place: the big classroom

self introduction and warm up: 30 minuts

lesson & games: 90 minuts
-->Elementary school: Carey,Amy,Peggy,Paul,Joyce
-->High school: Sharon,James,Leo,Luke
Shavia hasn't decided, and seems high school has too many boy teacher~

Joyce's dancing
Music show:
Luke and I thought of these songs
-->吉他手by陳綺貞 (my daughter can sing)
-->Sweet child'o mind
-->Time after time
-->Across the Universe
-->Top of the world(Carey, would you like to sing this)
-->You are my sunsine(teach them in lesson and sing together)
please offer your suggestion to enrich our show!

It's maybe the only one chance to interact with those children.
And they says "Every recounter is an unique creation!".
Let's take this chance and do our best!


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Hosts: Leo and James (Paul)

1st part : Introduce Taiwanese delicacies
10 minutes: Read all the vocabularies about Taiwanese food
15 minutes: Think about how to explain them
15 minutes: Ordering & explaining time

2nd part: practice Future sentence
20 minutes: Write sentence (10)and check the answer (10)
20 minutes: to share your Life or Yearly plan

3rd part: Discuss activities in the orphanage detailed
10 minutes: share what we see in 忠義, and what we should know to be a volunteer group.
30 minutes: Discuss games and teaching detail.

LEO & James (Paul)

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Here is the tale of John.
who often plays Majon
when he wins some money
he becomes very silly
he puts all his sweaters on

I once met a man named Lee
everyday he works heartedly
but whenver he reports the work the boss does not agree
that is why he gave up to be the picky man's employee
Now Mr. Lee lives happily

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Part 1


A limerick is a poem that has 5 lines. It tells a little story that can be funny or silly.

Lines 1,2 and 5 will end their lines with the same sound and will also have the same number of syllables.

Lines 3, 4 will end their lines with the same sound and will also have the same number of syllables.

Now here’s an example of a Limerick

Line 1: There was a small boy from Taipei (the sentence has 8 syllables and the word Taipei ends in a long a sound.)

Line 2: Who was eating crabs on the bay (the sentence has 8 syllables and the word bay ends in a long a sound.)

Line 3: When he was done ( the sentence has four syllables and the word done ends with an un sound )

Line 4: He sadly sung ( the sentence has four syllables and the word sung ends with an un sound)

Line 5: There are no more crabs for today (the sentence has 8 syllables and the word today ends in a long a sound.)

"There was a small boy from Taipei.
Who was eating crabs on the bay.
When he was done
He sadly sung,
There are no more crabs for today.”

(Your work is posted on E-Colum.)

Part 2

Do You Know These Troublesome Co-workers?
By Robert Half International

What do prairie dogs, credit thieves and slackers have in common? They’re all types of co-workers who can undermine your efforts at work. And, unfortunately, these personalities are prevalent in many offices. In fact, according to a recent Robert Half survey, nearly one-third of professionals said they work with someone who is rude or unprofessional on the job.
Your relationships with co-workers can directly affect your on-the-job satisfaction -- and career success -- so treat everyone as professionally as possible, even those who may rub you the wrong way. Here are some examples of difficult colleagues you may encounter in the office and suggestions on how to best cope with each of them:

The Belittler
Belittlers routinely tear others down in order to build themselves up. Put-downs, demeaning remarks and disparaging comments are common trademarks of this person.
Coping strategy: Your confidence is the Belittler’s weakness, and he or she will back off if you stand up for yourself. Try refuting a Belittler’s criticism by asserting yourself, using facts where possible. For example, if he or she puts down one of your ideas, say, “It’s something that’s worked for X, Y and Z, and it also is more cost-effective than what we’re doing now.”
The Credit Thief
Insecure about their status, Credit Thieves boldly steal your ideas and grab the glory when a project is successful. Curiously, they’re nowhere to be found when things go wrong.
Coping strategy: Keep a written record of your activities and accomplishments, and give your manager regular status reports about the projects you’re working on. And don’t hesitate to correct misperceptions. (“Actually, I did the research; John helped input the data.”)
The Noisemaker
Be it making long personal calls, forgetting to silence their cell phone ringers, playing music or talking with others using their “outside voice,” Noisemakers can’t help but disturb others.
Coping strategy: Do your best to insulate yourself from the sound. If you have a private office, close your door. If you work in a cubicle, try putting on headphones or moving to an empty office where you can concentrate in silence. If the situation persists, speak to the person and kindly ask him or her to keep the noise down, explaining that it’s preventing you from getting your work done.
The Saboteur
Saboteurs have a knack for leaving colleagues in the lurch. Similar to Belittlers, they like to make others look bad. Their tactics aren’t always overt, so you may not realize you’re working with a Saboteur until a critical deadline arrives. That’s when you discover you’re unable to complete your part of the project because the Saboteur has withheld important information.

Coping strategy: Be sure your supervisor or project manager knows the roles and responsibilities of each team member, and insist on regular progress reports so that Saboteurs can’t take advantage of lapses in oversight.
The Rumor monger
Rumor mongers like drama and often spread half-truths or lies by talking behind others’ backs. This is an especially dangerous type of co-worker because he or she has the ability to tarnish your reputation.
Coping strategy: The best defense is to avoid engaging in any kind of mean-spirited gossip. Remember, if you can’t say anything good, don’t say anything at all. If the Rumor monger starts swapping stories with you, avoid falling into the trap and instead excuse yourself as quickly as possible.
The Slacker
This person may try to pass off tasks to other staff members. The Slacker often claims he or she is “too busy” to help out, yet will make time for long chats and Web surfing during office hours.
Coping strategy: If you lead a project team, be sure this person carries his or her weight by documenting the responsibilities of each member of the group and asking for regular status reports. Hold everyone accountable for their portion of the project, and be firm with deadlines.
The Prairie Dog
There’s nothing quite as distracting -- or, at times, alarming -- as when an individual pops his or her head over your cubicle wall, seemingly out of nowhere, or drops by your desk unannounced. It typically happens when you’re on deadline or just about to write down a brilliant idea.
Coping strategy: Let the person know that, while you’d like to talk, you have a lot to do at the moment. If possible, schedule another time to meet, such as during lunch or after work. And, to prevent further interruptions, consider hanging a sign outside the entrance to your workspace, notifying people that you’re busy and when you’ll be available again.

If one of these descriptions reminds you of yourself, it might be time to re-evaluate your own behavior and adjust it as necessary. Remember, when it comes to working in an office environment, the more you respect others’ time and space, the more likely they’ll be to return the favor.

Vocabs in the article:

Prairie dog: a small furry North American animal that lives underground
Slacker: a person who is lazy; not work well or quickly enough
Undermine: to weaken or destroy gradually
Prevalent: existing commonly, generally or widely in a particular place or at a particular time
Rub: to slide up and down or round and round
Belittler: someone who cause you to seem small or unimportant
Demeaning: to cause someone to lose one’s sense of personal pride
Disparaging: to speak about without respect; make someone sound of little value
Back off: to draw back; to step back
Refuting: to prove that someone or something is mistaken or incorrect
Assert: to state or declare forcefully
Misperception: the action of perceiving been mistaken
Insulate: to be isolated from influences
Cubicle: a very small division of a larger room
Persist: to continue in a course of action or way of behaving, firmly and perhaps unreasonably, in spite of opposition or warning
Saboteur: a person who practice sabotage
*sabotage: intentional indirect or secret action to prevent or ruin a plan
Knack: a special skill or ability, usually the result of practice
Lurch: to move with irregular swinging or rolling movements
Leave sb. In the lurch: leave a person in difficulties
Tactic: a plan or method that is intended to gain a desired result
Overt: action in public not secret
Lapse: a small fault or mistake
Oversight: an unintended failure to notice or do something
Monger: the seller
Tarnish: to make or become dull, disorder, or less bright
Swap: to exchange goods or position so that each person can get what they want
Accountable: responsible; having to give an explanation for one’s action
Seemingly: judging by facts as one knows them
Drop by: 順便拜訪

Orphanage Plan
1. Date: at the beginning of April
2. Purpose: share English and Love
3. Content: Interesting teaching of English—combine English, dance, singing and a drama…
4. First Step: After getting the orphanage’s permission, we’ll pay a visit there in March first.

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