This time we talked about some medical knowledge~
We can see them in hospital.

Internal Medicine

Gastric ulcer 胃潰瘍
Non-cancerous (benign) gastric ulcers are caused by an imbalance between stomach acid(n.酸), an enzyme(酵素) called pepsin(n.胃液素), and the natural defenses of the stomach's lining(n.內層).
Abdominal(a.腹部的) pain, Abdominal indigestion(n.消化不良症), Nausea(n.噁心),
Medicine treatments to get rid of the bacteria(n.細菌bacterium) that causes the infection(n.感染).
Endoscopy(n.內視鏡檢查法) can control bleeding in most cases.
Surgery may be recommended for persons who do not respond to medicines or endoscopy.
Avoid Smoking, Drinks containing caffeine, Alcohol, Aspirin and NSAIDs(非類固醇抗炎藥)

Asthma 氣喘
Asthma can be triggered by just about all of the same things that trigger allergies(n.過敏). It also can be triggered by cold air, exercise, and other factors. Possible asthma triggers include Pollen(n.花粉) , Dust mites(粉塵), Exercise, Smoke.
Inflammation(n.激動;發炎), Airway(n.氣管) muscles tighten, Fluid(n.體液;黏液) buildup
Control and Relief(n.緩和)
long-term control drug, quick-relief drug

Anemia 貧血
Anemia is a common blood disorder(n.失調) characterized by a decrease in the amount of red blood cells manufactured in the bone marrow(n.骨隨), or a decrease in the capacity of red blood cells to transport oxygen.
Weakness, Shortness of breath, Headaches, Faintness(n.暈眩), Increase heart rate, heart failure(心臟衰竭)
Temporarily blood support
Prescribing(n.藥方) erythropoietin(a.紅血球生成的)  very expensive
Nutritional(a.營養的) support (Iron, Vitamin B12& Folic acid(n.葉酸), Copper, Zinc)

Diabetes 糖尿病
Diabetes is a disease that results when your body either does not make enough insulin(n.胰島素) or does not use insulin properly. Insulin is a hormone made by your pancreas(n,胰線) to turn the food you eat (especially the sugars and starches n.澱粉) into the energy you need each day.
Frequent urination, Feeling very tired, Heart disease and stroke, Kidney disease, Eye complications(n.併發症), Foot complications
Monitor your blood sugar twice a day
Lose weight and follow the right diet
Drugs and insulin

Department of Surgery
surgeon 外科醫生

Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH)顱內出血
An intracranial hemorrhage can be caused by a traumatic(a.外傷的) brain injury or abnormalities(n.異常) of the blood vessels(n.血管). When it is not caused by one of these conditions, it is most commonly associated with high blood pressure. In some cases, no cause can be found.
Headache, Nausea, Alertness(n.敏捷) and Sensation(n.知覺) change, difficulty speaking and swallowing
Surgery may be needed, especially if there is bleeding in the cerebellum(n.小腦). Surgery may also be done to repair or remove structures causing the bleed
Medicines include painkillers, corticosteroids(n.皮類固醇) or diuretics(n.利尿劑) to reduce swelling(n.腫脹), and anticonvulsants(n.抗凝血劑) to control seizures(n.發作).

Burn, Scald 灼傷,燒燙傷
Burns can be caused by dry heat (like fire), wet heat (such as steam or hot liquids), radiation(n.放射線), friction(n.摩擦), heated objects, the sun, electricity(n.電擊), or chemicals.
Blisters(n.水泡), Pain, Peeling(a.剝落的) skin, Red skin, Swelling, White and charred(a.燒焦的) skin
For Minor Burns: Run cool water over the area of the burn, cover the burn with a dry, sterile bandage(消毒繃帶).
For Major Burns: Call 911. DO NOT remove burnt clothing that is stuck(p.p.stick黏住) to the skin. Cover the burn area with a dry sterile bandage. If fingers or toes have been burned, separate them with dry, sterile bandage.

Tumor (malignant, benign) 良性,惡性腫瘤
Problems with the body's immune(a.免疫的) system can lead to tumors. Typically, the division of cells in the body is strictly controlled. New cells are created to replace older ones or to perform new functions. If the balance of cell division and death is disturbed(a.失常的), a tumor may form.
Fever(n.發燒), Chills(n.寒冷), Loss of appetite(n,食慾), Weight loss, Malaise(n,抑鬱)
Benign tumors may be removed for cosmetic(a,表面的) reasons, however. Benign tumors of the brain may be removed because of their location or harmful effect on the surrounding(a.周圍的) normal brain tissue(n,組織).
If a tumor is malignant, treatments include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or a combination of these methods.

Hemorrhoid 痔瘡
The most common cause is straining(n.緊張) during bowel(n.腸) movements. Hemorrhoids may result from constipation(n.便秘), sitting for long periods of time, and anal(a.肛門的) infections. In some cases they may be caused by other diseases, such as liver cirrhosis (肝硬化).
Anal itching(n.癢) and pain, Bright red blood on toilet tissue, One or more hard tender lumps(n.腫塊) near the anus
Wear cotton(a.棉製的) undergarments(n.內衣褲). Try not to scratch the area. Sit in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes.
Infrared(a.紅外線的) coagulation(n.凝結) to shrink(v.收縮) internal hemorrhoids may help avoid surgery.
Surgery is generally used for patients with severe pain or bleeding who have not responded to other therapy.


Department of Psychiatry & Psychosomatic Medicine 身心醫學科(精神)

1.Sleep Disorders 睡眠失調
Is it hard for you to fall asleep or stay asleep though the night? Do you wake up feeling tired or feel very sleepy during the day, even if you have had enough sleep? You might have a sleep disorder.
The most common kinds:
• Insomnia -失眠a hard time falling or staying asleep
• Sleep apnea (醫,呼吸暫停)- breathing interruptions during sleep 睡眠中呼吸中止
• Narcolepsy -嗜睡症daytime "sleep attacks"
Treatments for most sleep disorders.
• Go to bed and get up at about the same time every day
• Have a relaxing bedtime routine
• Make your bedroom cool, dark, quiet, and comfortable
• Sleep on a comfortable mattress and pillows
• Finish eating 2 to 3 hours before bedtime
• Get regular exercise

2.Anxiety Disorders 焦慮失調症
anxiety caused by a stressful event (such as speaking in public or a first date), anxiety disorders last at least 6 months and can get worse if they are not treated. Anxiety disorders commonly occur along with other mental or physical illnesses, including alcohol or substance abuse, which may mask anxiety symptoms or make them worse.
The most common kinds:
*Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 創傷症候群
Symptoms (症狀) (Case study)
“I was raped when I was 25 years old. For a long time, I spoke about the rape as though it was something that happened to someone else. I was very aware that it had happened to me, but there was just no feeling.”
“Then I started having flashbacks. They kind of came over me like a splash of water. I would be terrified. Suddenly I was reliving the rape. Every instant was startling. I wasn’t aware of anything around me, I was in a bubble, just kind of floating. And it was scary. Having a flashback can wring you out.”
“The rape happened the week before Thanksgiving, and I can’t believe the anxiety and fear I feel every year around the anniversary date. It’s as though I’ve seen a werewolf. I can’t relax, can’t sleep, don’t want to be with anyone. I wonder whether I’ll ever be free of this terrible problem.”
*Social Phobia (Social Anxiety Disorder) 社交恐懼症 (社交焦慮失調)
Symptoms (Case study)
“In any social situation, I felt fear. I would be anxious before I even left the house, and it would escalate as I got closer to a college class, a party, or whatever. I would feel sick in my stomach-it almost felt like I had the flu. My heart would pound, my palms would get sweaty, and I would get this feeling of being removed from myself and from everybody else.”
“When I would walk into a room full of people, I’d turn red and it would feel like everybody’s eyes were on me. I was embarrassed to stand off in a corner by myself, but I couldn’t think of anything to say to anybody. It was humiliating. I felt so clumsy, I couldn’t wait to get out.”
Treatment of Anxiety Disorders
In general, anxiety disorders are treated with medication(藥物治療), specific types of psychotherapy(精神,心理療法), or both. Treatment choices depend on the problem and the person’s preference. Before treatment begins, a doctor must conduct a careful diagnostic evaluation to determine whether a person’s symptoms are caused by an anxiety disorder or a physical problem.
Often people believe that they have “failed” at treatment or that the treatment didn’t work for them when, in fact, it was not given for an adequate length of time or was administered incorrectly. Sometimes people must try several different treatments or combinations of treatment before they find the one that works for them.


Department of urological 泌尿科

Kidney Stones / Urolithiasis 腎結石
kidney stone is a solid piece of material that forms in the kidney from substances in the urine. It may be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a pearl. Most kidney stones pass out of the body without help from a doctor. But sometimes a stone will not go away. It may get stuck in the urinary tract (尿道), block the flow of urine and cause great pain.
The following may be signs of kidney stones that need a doctor's help:
• Extreme pain in your back or side that will not go away
• Blood in your urine
• Fever and chills
• Vomiting (嘔吐)
• Urine that smells bad or looks cloudy
• A burning feeling when you urinate
Treatment Options
Depending on the patient’s symptoms , as well as the size and location of the stone, the physician(內科醫生) may just wait and see if the patient can pass the stone on his or her own.
Patients are usually given enough medication to help with the severe pain. Thay are also asked to drink a lot of fluid, approximately 12 eight-ounce (盎司)glasses, to help “flush out” the kidney.
Urine – bloody 血尿
Blood in your urine, can be classified as microscopic or gross.
• Microscopic hematuria (顯微鏡下驗出的血尿) is when there is very little blood in the urine and it can only be seen with a microscope.
• Gross hematuria(肉眼性血尿) is when there is enough blood in the urine that you can see it with the naked eye. usually it turns toilet water pale pink or bright red, or you may just see spots of blood in the water after urinating.
There are many potential causes of blood in the urine. Often, bloody urine is from a problem in your kidneys or other parts of the urinary tract. If your kidneys, urinary tract, prostate(前列腺), and genitals (生殖器)turn out to be fine, your doctor may check to see if you have a bleeding disorder.
• Abdominal ultrasound 腹部超音波
• Kidney biopsy 腎臟活組織
• Kidney x-rays 腎臟超音波
The treatment will depend on the cause of the blood in the urine. If a urinary tract infection is confirmed, antibiotics(抗生素) may be prescribed (N.規定的). If appropriate, pain medications will be given.
Urination(N.尿尿) - difficulty with flow 小便困難
This problem affects people of all ages and occurs in both sexes, but it is most common in older men with enlarged prostate glands(腺).
Urinary hesitancy (猶豫)usually comes on gradually. It sometimes goes unnoticed until urinary retention(醫,閉尿) (complete inability to urinate) produces distention(膨脹) and discomfort in the bladder(膀胱).
Almost all older men have some degree of difficulty in starting urination, dribbling(Vi.滴下,細流), or decreased force of the urinary stream.
Urinary hesitancy can be caused by:
• Urinary tract infection, especially if chronic and recurrent
• Prostatitis(前列腺炎) (inflammation or infection of the prostate gland)
• Shy or bashful(害羞的)bladder syndrome(併發症狀) in younger people (unable to urinate when another person is in the room)
Diagnostic tests that may be performed include:
• Urinalysis (驗尿) and culture (微生物等的)培養;培養菌)
• Urethral (尿道的)swab(擦拭) for culture
• Cystometrography 膀胱鏡檢查

James & Carey

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