Below are some vacabularies that we used in the test part:

1.Crumble: break apart into pieces.
2.Torture: severe physical or mental suffering.
3.Compatible: suitable.
4.Drag: something or someone is boring.
5.Nasty: umpleasant , bad.
6.Peculiar: something or someone is stranger or specially.
7.Lay low: someone always stay low, doesn't want anyone to notice he/she.
8.Overzealous: too eager about something, you believe in strongly.
9.Intention: a plan or desire to do something.
10.Downer: a person or situation that stops you feeling happy.

The abbreviation game:
1.Iso: 國際標準組織 international standards organization.
2.MRT: 大眾捷運系統 mass rapid transit.
3.OEM: 原廠委託製造 original equipment manufactures.
4.ODM: 原廠設計製造 original design manufactures.
5.R&D: 研究與開發 research and development.
6.WTO: 世界貿易組織 world trade organization.
7.AI: 人工智慧 artificial intelligence.
8.AIT: 美國在臺協會 America in Taiwan.
9.GIGO: 垃圾輸入垃圾輸出 garbage in garage out.
10.ASAP: 請盡快 as soon as possible.
11.OPEC: 石油輸出國家組織 organization of petroleum countries.
12.APEC: 亞太經貿協會 Asia pacific economic cooperation.
13.EU: 歐洲聯盟 European Union
14.GMP: 優良製造標準 Good Manufacturing Practice.
15.SGD: 新加坡幣
16.GBP: 英鎊
17.THB: 泰銖
18.AUD: 澳幣
19.JPY: 日幣
20.CAD: 加幣

I thought we all have fun tonight, but seems my punish was not a punish, everyone seems happy to be punished, haha. I will try to upload the pics we took today ASAP, and maybe we can think more abbreviation words to play next time. Have a nice weekend loh!


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