Dear all,
The hosts on this wed. are Vince and Yeh:
19:30-20:20 Vince's part-News reading
20:20-20:30 Break Time
20:30-21:20 Yeh's part-reading
21:20-21:30 Discuss X'mas
See you,
Vince & Yeh
- Dec 14 Mon 2009 18:55
Gathering 12/16
- Nov 30 Mon 2009 18:31
Dear All:
This Wed. James and Carey will be your host
I am going to share an article to you and James will too.
This time I would like to invite everyone share your idea of "encourage people"
Please share some good ideas with others.
Best regards
Carey and James.
- Nov 23 Mon 2009 11:45
Gathering 11/25
Gathering 11/25
Shavia Time : Reading
Paul Time : Vocabulary fill blank
- Nov 17 Tue 2009 23:36
gathering on 11/18
Dear all:
This week's hosts will be James and Sharon, the schedule as below:
7:30~8:10 Sharon's part(reading)
8:10~8:20 Break time
8:20~9:20 James's part(reading again)
9:20~9:30 Let's discuss our winter trip
See you,
James & Sharon
- Nov 09 Mon 2009 20:59
Gathering 11/11
Dear all,
The hosts on this wed. are Vince and Yeh:
19:30-20:20 Vince's part-News reading
20:20-20:30 Break Time
20:30-21:20 Yeh's part-reading
21:20-21:30 Discuss Winter Trip
See you,
Vince & Yeh
- Oct 21 Wed 2009 00:07
Gathering 10/21
Hi E-concussioners,
This week Sharon and me also prepared some reading article for you!!
7:30 ~ 8:20 James' horrible story~
8:20 ~ 8:30 Tea Time
8:30 ~ 9:30 Sharon's lovely story!
See you guys~
Sharon & James