severity 嚴格;嚴厲;嚴肅[U] 猛烈;凜冽;嚴重
be indicative of 指示的;表示的;象徵的;暗示的[F][(+of)][+that]
Styrofoam 聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料
Oval 卵形的;橢圓形的
Rectangle 矩形,長方形
porcelain 瓷;(總稱)瓷器[U]
glistening 閃耀;反光[(+with)]
murky 黑暗的;陰鬱的
cardboard 硬紙板,卡紙板[U]
rattan 藤;藤莖;藤林;藤杖
nibbling grass 一點點地咬(或吃);一點一點去掉[(+away/off)]
gallop away (馬等)疾馳,飛跑

Winter Trip Sharing:
James: The fragrance of plum blossom is his most impressive memory… Finally, he realizes the song~不經一番寒徹骨,焉得梅花撲鼻香!(撲鼻: to assail襲擊 the nostrils鼻孔)

Peggy: 1. The echo of EConcussion-sion-sion is her most unforgettable thing. (Maybe we should yell out our club name every time we go to the outdoors.)2. She also pointed out we spoke too little English this time. We should speak more English to maintain the spirit of Econcussion!

Carey: She did so much for us but she didn’t have time to say sth. about winter trip(How about taking turns being the accountant when we take trips.)

Leo: 1.Long driving... 2. Beautiful veiw and flowers 3.cold weather and water. 4. Traffic jam @@"

others... sorry! I forgot to jot down others...
Maybe you can find time to add your part in it^^...
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