Taroko Gorge
Referred to as the “jewel” of Taiwan’s national park system, the stunning marble canyon called Taroko Gorge just may be the island’s number one tourist attraction.

One main highway--part of the Central Cross-island Highway--brings visitors to the Gorge. Construction on it was completed in 1960, at a cost of some 450 lives! In fact, Eternal Spring Shrine, located about 2.3 km above the entrance to the Gorge, is dedicated to the memory of the deceased.

What draws so many to look into Taroko Gorge? It may be its exhilarating white water river, towering cliffs, numerous hiking trails, or perhaps its scattered hot springs. As to hiking, one of the nicest Trails is Mysterious Valley Trail, which offers hikers snapshot views of beautiful boulders and enticing clear pools alone the way. Wenshan Hot Spring, 2.9 km up the main highway from Tienshiang, offers a wonderful experience. Visitors can soak in natural, untapped outdoor pools. It doesn’t get better then that!

Although listed fourth in our consideration of Taiwan’s national parks, many would clearly argue that Taroko Gorge Plays second fiddle to none.

Cloze test
For travelers to the east coast of Taiwan, Taroko Gorge is not to be missed. It is 1._______as the “jewel” of Taiwan’s national park system, and many agree that it 2._______ no other nation al park. As to its attractions, one can find much to do and see there. For example, the park offers hiking trails and hot springs, a white water river and stunning cliffs. Sadly while 3.___________ the main high way running through the Gorge, 450 people lost their lives. For this reason, a memorial shrine was built, 4.___________above the entrance to the park. 5.________ a wonderful experience, Taroko Gorge is definitely one place to look into when making summer vacation plans

( C ) 1.A) referred B) referred to being C) referred to D) referring to be
( D ) 2.A) plays to second fiddle B) plays fiddle second to
C) play no fiddle second to D) plays second fiddle to
( A ) 3.A) building B) built C) build D) to build
( B ) 4.A) locate B) located C) locating D) to locate
( C ) 5.A) To offer B) Offered C)Offering D) Offer

Reading Comprehension
1.( C ) The passage begins with the phrase “referred to as”. Which is NOT
another way of saying the same thing?
A) Called. B) Considered to be. C) Famous for. D) Known as.
2.( D) Why is Taroko Gorge likely spoken of as a “jewel”?
A) It is carved out of marble.
B) It is the island’s number one attraction.
C) It is part of the national park system.
D) Its natural beauty is outstanding.
3.( A) What was done on behalf of those who died building the highway?
A) A memorial was built near the park.
B) The highway was completed easlier.
C) The Central Cross-island Highway was named after them.
D) Construction of the Eternal Spring Shrine began in 1956.
4.( B) What does the passage imply that visitors might want to bring on
mysterious Valley Trall?
A) Sunglasses. B) A camera. C) A swimsuit and towel.
D) Bottled water.
5.( B) The last line says that Taroko Gorge “plays second fiddle to
none”.What does this mean?
A)Aboriginal music is part of the experience of visiting Taroko Gorge.
B)Taroko Gorge is Taiwan’s nicest national park according to many
C)A visit to Taroko Gorge would not leave one with any second
D)Taroko Gorge has played a major role in increasing tourism in

1. refer to ~as 把…當作
I am your mother; do not refer to me as “that old lady”!

2. at a cost of 犧牲; 損失了
The Taipei 101 building was built at a cost of over ten billion dollars.

3. be dedicated to + Ving 奉獻給
The movie was dedicated to the actor who died while making it.

4. as to(put in the head,middle of the sentence)
= as for(put in the head of the sentence) 至於~、提到~
As to his friends, they are not very nice to anyone.

5. soak ~in ~沉浸在
Before you cook the beans, you need to soak them in water.

6. play second fiddle to 居次位
His family has had to play second fiddle to his political career.

7. second to none(no other)不亞於任何人、最佳
The quality of the paintings at the National Palace Museum are second to none!

1.Gorge 峽谷
2.stunning 非常吸引人的
3.marble 大理石
4.canyon 峽谷
5.Central Cross-island Highway 中部横貫公路
6.dedicate 奉獻
7.deceased 已故的人
8.draw 吸引
9.exhilarating 令人振奮的
10.towering 高聳的
11.cliffs 懸崖
12.numerous 很多的
13.trail 步道、小道
14.scattered 散佈的
15.Mysterious Valley Trail 神祕谷步道
16.boulder 巨石
17.enticing 誘人的
18.untapped 未開發的
19.imply 暗示
20.tadpole 蝌蚪
21.goldfish 金魚
22.mandarin duck 鴛鴦

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