Gathering on 06th Aug 2008
Hosts: Shavia and Leo
7:30-7:50 Test for revision
7:50-8:00 Marking and discussion
8:00-8:40 Game
8:40-8:50 Break Time
8:50-9:20 Free Talk
9:20-9:30 Autumn Trip
The topics for free talk are as followed:
1.If you were the main actor/actress in a movie what kind of role would you prefer to be? Why and how?
2.What kinds of capabilities do you think you need to learn or improve? Why? After you have perfected these capabilities what will you do?
Cheers and Love,
Shavia and Leo
目前分類:Before Gathering--Take a look, Please! (113)
- Aug 05 Tue 2008 11:01
Gathering on 6th Aug 2008
- Jul 14 Mon 2008 21:52
Schedule of July 16th
Dear all,
Hostesses on this Wed. are Peggy & Sharon, the schedule is as following:
19:30-20:00 Brain Storming: words and idioms
20:00-20:10 Take a break
20:10-20:30 Preparation for role play
(We will be divided into 2 groups. Each group will be assigned 6 words of people,objects and locations and has to make up a story within 20 mins. Then act the story out in 5~10 mins.)
20:30-20:50 Role play (each group has atmost 10 mins to act.)
20:50-21:10 Free talk
1. Please share the craziest thing you've ever done. If you haven't done it, what crazy thing you would like to do in the future?)
2. Have you ever thought about starting your own business? If yes, what will it be?
p.s. This time, the gathering is going to take place at the square in front of 民主紀念館(蔣公銅像前) at 自由廣場. Please go to that place directly. If you don't know where it is, please call Peggy or Sharon. Thank you.
See you then,
Peggy & Sharon
- Jun 30 Mon 2008 19:16
Game Time [gathering on 2nd July]
Dear All Econcussioner,
This Wednesday we'll have a GAME!
7:30~8:30 Game time
(Take a break for 10 minuts)
8:40~9:30 Free talk
Suddenly.. You get a [????], what will you do?
(about the [????], you'll draw a lot by yourself)
This is the game week, cheer up!!
See you then!
James and Joseph
- Jun 22 Sun 2008 23:14
Schedule of June 25th
Hosts: Shavia and Peggy
7:30-8:00 Reading
8:00-8:20 Vocabulary guessing game
8:20-8:30 break time
8:30-9:00 Free Talk:
1.What movies you've seen recently? Share with us.
2.What things you've done that you regret? If you could go back to the past、what would you do?
9:00-9:30 Summer trip
See you then,
Shavia & Peggy
- Jun 15 Sun 2008 20:58
The schedule on June 18
Dear, Take a look
7:30-8:10 Polite expression practice
8:10-8:30 games
8:40-9:20 Free talk (choose one of these topics)
1. your family-introduce your family, share ur photos, tell us how you grew up in ur family..._
2. What's your principle? And how do you follow it in your daily life?
3. Anything you want to share
See you all! Have a nice week!
Joyce and Sharon
- Jun 10 Tue 2008 01:06
Happy Birthday to June Stars [Gathering 6/11]
Hello Everyone,
I think the gathering this Wednesdat is the best date to celebrate the birthday of June stars!!
So we're going to have a little party in 中正紀念堂(民主廣場).
Everyone(not a star) please prepare an English song for stars.
Stars have to make a wish for the one who sing to you beside three for yourself, thanks!!
So, let's have a good time together!!
Amy & James
- Jun 03 Tue 2008 20:45
The percedure on 6/4
The percedure on 6/4 are as below:
7:30~8:10 Free talk
Two topics you can share:(two groups, each one get five mins or
so to share)
1.How to save your money during the high oil price generation?
2.Have you met something difficult to solve, and how do you
comeover it?
8:10~8:20 Take a break
8:20~9:10 Let's be the tour guide
Please share a scenic spots of any country you like the most and
you may bring some pics of the place.
We will share it all together, then we will vote who is the best
tour guide.Each one get five mins or so to share it.Pls try not
to read the handout you write.
9:10~9:30 Take a rest & draw a lots for next round & discuss about summer
See you guys on Wed,
Leo & Sharon
- May 26 Mon 2008 11:44
May 28, Rundown
Dear all,
Welcome to E-concussion May 28 gathering.
For having better learning effect please check the schedule and prepare your sharing!
7:30-8:00 Reading two articles
8:00-8:20 Grammar Activities
1. Arguing
2. Nonsense
8:30-9:10 Free Talk (Everyone has 5-6 min. to present.)
You can share what you want. Below are the choices you may consider.
topic 1: Recommend a book
topic 2: what are the things would frighten you?
9:10-9:30 orphanage training, summer trip and June Stars Party
Best wishes to you all!
Joyce and Shavia
- May 11 Sun 2008 22:51
Gathering on 14th May 2008
Gathering on 14th May 2008
Hosts: Shavia and Leo
7:30-8:00 Test for revision
8:00-8:40 Tax Saving
8:40-8:50 break time
8:50-9:30 Orphanage and Summer trip
Cheers and Love,
Shavia and Leo
- May 06 Tue 2008 15:07
the run down on May 7
Dear everyone,
7:30-8:00 English riddles
8:00-8:30 Commercial vocabularies and test
8:40-9:00 English game
9:00-9:30 free talk
9:30-9:40 any plan for Econcussion
About Free talk:
Please prepare 5 minutes sharing
Below are the topics you could consider.
* a news you are interested--from newspaper or magazine
* an activity you hold or participated
* your recent life
Sorry I just came back from Japan last night.
So this time I am in a rush.
Thank you for your participation.
Have a good day!
Amy is my partner this time.
- May 03 Sat 2008 23:08
How about??!
Hey guys, recently I want to singing, so I am going to hold a party on 5/17 in the afternoon at my home, on the top of the building. Some of you had been here, some of you were not. Anyway, if you were interested, you can join us.
By the way, if the weather is fine that day, I also want to hold a bike trip, from 三重to八里, the scenery is very beautiful on the way, we may discuss this part and the time next Wed.
Have a nice weekend,
- Apr 22 Tue 2008 20:55
Gathering on 4/23
Dear all,
Our gathering schedule is changed、because Shavia is in Thailand now、we think we should wait for her back to join the dinner~
Thus、Sharon and Peggy will be the hostesses on 4/23, and the gathering location is still at Dante.
The schedule is as following:
19:30-20:50 Game Time
20:50-21:00 Breaktime
21:00-21:30 Sharing Stories:please share the stories you heard、read or made by yourselves. And tell us: what inspires you from the story? Or what is the most important value that you gain from the story?
Let's have fun this time!
Sharon & Peggy
- Mar 31 Mon 2008 21:41
gathering on 4/2
Below are the informations on 4/2, pls check it:
7:30~8:00 test time
8:00~8:10 check the answer
8:10~8:20 take a break
8:20~8:50 play games
8:50~9:30 discuss orphanage plan
Looking forward to see you all,
Shavia & Sharon
- Mar 16 Sun 2008 23:24
Feedback of the gatering 12 March
Reading: "Creator of Peanuts"
Charles Schulz
(26/11/1922 - 12/02/2000, USA)
Charles Schulz, the creator of 'Peanuts', is one of the most popular and influential humorist comic artists ever. After he fought in Europe in the second World War, he started drawing the comic 'L'il Folks', a precursor of 'Peanuts'. Soon the United Feature Syndicate bought his stories and sold them to many newspapers. Then it was renamed 'Peanuts' (1950). The main characters are the melancholy Charlie Brown and his clever dog Snoopy, who live in a suburb together with other kids who all have their peculiar personalities.
Umberto Eco described 'Peanuts' in an introduction of a book:
"These children affect us because they're monsters. They are the monstrous, infantile reductions of all the neuroses of modern citizens of the industrial civilization."
While his strip deals in psychology, social commentary and often bitter humor, its hallmark is its perspective: all these issues experienced, evaluated, and ultimately decided upon by children. "There is a market for innocence" says Schulz, whose discipline still drives him to his studio every day "to get feelings of depth and roundness, and (to know) the pen line is the best pen line you can make...I don't think I'm a true artist. I would love to be Andrew Wyeth or Picasso...But I can draw pretty well and I can write pretty well, and I think I'm doing the best with whatever abilities I have been given. And what more can one ask?"
The most successful comic strip in newspaper history, 'Peanuts' appeared in some 2,600 newspaper in 75 countries and was translated into 21 languages. It also published more than 1,400 books. United Feature Syndicate started the strip in syndication on October 2, 1950. 'Peanuts' has sold more than 300 million copies worldwide.
Schulz was still working on new material between golf-matches until he retired at the beginning of the new millennium. He died of complications due to colon cancer at the age of 77 in Santa Rosa, California on February 12, 2000. He will be missed, but his lovable comic characters will live on in our memories.
On June 7, 2001, Charles Schulz was posthumously awarded the Congressional Gold Medal, the highest civilian honor in the United States.
We also created ourown comics by filling the dialogues and drawing the ending!
Influential adj.有影響力的
Precursor n.前身;前輩
Syndicate n.報業聯盟
Melancholy adj.憂鬱的
Clever adj.聰明伶俐的
Peculiar adj.怪癖的,特殊的
monstrous adj.像野獸的
infantile adj.幼稚的;嬰兒的
reduction n.縮影;縮版
neuroses = neurosis
psychology n.心理學 n.善解人意
commentary n.評論;紀實
perspective n.觀點;洞察力
innocence n.純真
roundness n.直率;球型;整數
millennium n.千禧年
complication n.併發症;複雜
posthumously adv.死後地
congressional adj.美國國會的
- Mar 16 Sun 2008 00:03
Gathering on 3/19
Hello guys,
Joyce & Peggy are hostesses this week, the schedule is as following:
19:30-20:00 Reading:Blind Dates
20:00-20:30 Games:Killer;King's game
20:30-20:35 Breaktime
20:35-21:35 Run the orphanage schedule
Please prepare your part of the orphanage activity, we will run how to teach "you are my sunshine" this time. And about the english teaching part,please also prepare the materials you will use in the teaching and practice in the 2nd hour.
See you on Wed,
Joyce & Peggy
- Mar 10 Mon 2008 11:19
Gathering on 12 March
This Time we are going to be a comic creator.
Please come with your creativeness and humor!!
7:30 ~ 7:45 Reading -A great comic creator
7:45 ~ 8:05 Creation -Try to fill the dialogues and Create the ending by yourself
8:05 ~ 8:25 Presentation
8:25 ~ 8:35 Take a break
8:35 ~ 9:30 Discuss the Ophanage Plan
Have a nice week!!
- Mar 03 Mon 2008 19:15
The gathering on 3/5
Below are the procedure of 3/5, please check it:
7:30~7:50 Test(Pls review what we learned from last three
7:50~8:00 Take a rest
8:00~8:40 Let's play game
8:40~9:10 Free talk
(Let's share the most ? dream that you had ever
dreamed.(ex:scare,sweet,impressive...)or you
could even share "have you ever dream about any
econcussioner?and what are they doing in your
Each one got 5 mins to share.
9:10~9:40 Discuss orphanage plan
Let's have fun this time.
Looking forward to see you,
Carey & Sharon
- Mar 02 Sun 2008 13:41
Feedback of the gatering 27 Feb.
Thanks for your participation.
We didn't did a very good preparation, say sorry again!
Traditional Taiwanese Delicacy
a.. 燒餅 Clay oven rolls
b.. 油條 Fried bread stick
c.. 韭菜盒 Fried leek dumplings
d.. 水餃 Boiled dumplings
e.. 蒸餃 Steamed dumplings
f.. 饅頭 Steamed buns
g.. 割包 Steamed sandwich
h.. 飯糰 Rice and vegetable roll
i.. 蛋餅 Egg cakes
j.. 皮蛋 100-year egg
k.. 鹹鴨蛋 Salted duck egg
l.. 豆漿 Soybean milk
m.. 米漿 Rice & peanut milk
a.. 稀飯 Rice porridge
b.. 白飯 Plain white rice
c.. 油飯 Glutinous oil rice
d.. 糯米飯 Glutinous rice
e.. 滷肉飯 Braised pork rice
f.. 蛋炒飯 Fried rice with egg
g.. 地瓜粥 Sweet potato congee
a.. 餛飩麵 Wonton & noodles
b.. 刀削麵 Sliced noodles
c.. 麻辣麵 Spicy hot noodles
d.. 麻醬麵 Sesame paste noodles
e.. 鴨肉麵 Duck with noodles
f.. 鵝肉麵 Goose with noodles
g.. 鱔魚麵 Eel noodles
h.. 烏龍麵 Seafood noodles
i.. 蚵仔麵線 Oyster thin noodles
j.. 板條 Flat noodles
k.. 米粉 Rice noodles
l.. 炒米粉 Fried rice noodles
m.. 冬粉 Green bean noodle
n.. 榨菜肉絲麵 Pork , pickled mustard green noodles
a.. 魚丸湯 Fish ball soup
b.. 貢丸湯 Meat ball soup
c.. 蛋花湯 Egg & vegetable soup
d.. 蛤蜊湯 Clams soup
e.. 蚵仔湯 Oyster soup
f.. 紫菜湯 Seaweed soup
g.. 酸辣湯 Sweet & sour soup
h.. 餛飩湯 Wonton soup
i.. 豬腸湯 Pork intestine soup
j.. 肉羹湯 Pork thick soup
k.. 花枝湯 Squid soup
l.. 花枝羹 Squid thick soup
a.. 愛玉 Vegetarian gelatin
b.. 糖葫蘆 Tomatoes on sticks
c.. 長壽桃 Longevity Peaches
d.. 芝麻球 Glutinous rice sesame balls
e.. 麻花 Hemp flowers
f.. 雙胞胎 Horse hooves
a.. 綿綿冰 Mein mein ice
b.. 麥角冰 Oatmeal ice
c.. 地瓜冰 Sweet potato ice
d.. 八寶冰 Eight treasures ice
e.. 豆花 Tofu pudding
f.. 紅豆牛奶冰 Red bean with milk ice
a.. 甘蔗汁 Sugar cane juice
b.. 酸梅汁 Plum juice
c.. 楊桃汁 Star fruit juice
d.. 青草茶 Herb juice / ptisan
a.. 蚵仔煎 Oyster omelet
b.. 棺材板 Coffin
c.. 臭豆腐 Stinky tofu
d.. 油豆腐 Oily bean curd
e.. 麻辣豆腐 Spicy hot bean curd
f.. 天婦羅 Tenpura
g.. 蝦片 Prawn cracker
h.. 蝦球 Shrimp balls
i.. 春捲 Spring rolls
j.. 雞捲 Chicken rolls
k.. 碗糕 Salty rice pudding
l.. 筒仔米糕 Rice tube pudding
m.. 紅豆糕 Red bean cake
n.. 綠豆糕 Bean paste cake
o.. 豬血糕 Pigs blood cake
p.. 糯米糕 Glutinous rice cakes
q.. 芋頭糕 Taro cake
r.. 肉圓 Taiwanese Meatballs
s.. 水晶餃 Pyramid dumplings
t.. 肉丸 Rice-meat dumplings
u.. 蘿蔔糕 Fried white radish patty
v.. 豆干 Dried tofu
a.. 當歸鴨 Angelica duck
b.. 檳榔 Betel nut
c..火鍋 Hot pot 或 Meat pot
醃:pickle、to preserve with salt
切(菜): slice
棗子:Chinese date、jujube
火龍果:dragon fruit
釋迦:custard apple、sugar apple
syrup n.糖漿,糖水
allium n.蔥
bean sprouts 豆芽菜
sprout n.嫩芽 v.發芽
alfalfa sprout 苜蓿芽
cabbage n.包心菜,高麗菜
swallow v.吞嚥;忍受;壓抑 n.燕子
offensive smell 腥味
rammish adj.腥味濃烈的
gelatin n.凝膠
intestine n.腸 adj.國內的
hoof n.蹄 v.踩踏;步行
otmeal n.燕麥粥;燕麥片
coffin n.棺材 v.收殮
shrimp chip 蝦片
About the Orphanage Plan:
Time: 12 April 9:00~12:00am
Children: 16 elementary school kids, 11 high shool students
Place: the big classroom
self introduction and warm up: 30 minuts
lesson & games: 90 minuts
-->Elementary school: Carey,Amy,Peggy,Paul,Joyce
-->High school: Sharon,James,Leo,Luke
Shavia hasn't decided, and seems high school has too many boy teacher~
Joyce's dancing
Music show:
Luke and I thought of these songs
-->吉他手by陳綺貞 (my daughter can sing)
-->Sweet child'o mind
-->Time after time
-->Across the Universe
-->Top of the world(Carey, would you like to sing this)
-->You are my sunsine(teach them in lesson and sing together)
please offer your suggestion to enrich our show!
It's maybe the only one chance to interact with those children.
And they says "Every recounter is an unique creation!".
Let's take this chance and do our best!
- Feb 18 Mon 2008 16:33
Gathering on 20th Feb 2008
Gathering on 20th Feb 2008
Hosts: Shavia and Joyce
7:30-8:10 Limerick Practice
8:10-8:30 King game
8:30-8:40 break time
8:40-9:10 Reading and Vocabulary practice
9:10-9:30 Our orphanage plan
Cheers and Love,
Shavia and Joyce
- Feb 16 Sat 2008 17:36
About the Orphanage Plan
Dear all,
After i sent them a email,
I found there are some information about volunteer.
Please see the linking:
It's more critical to be a volunteer or volunteer group.
Anyway, I didn't do the research well.
Maybe this plan will be changed.
Just see how the manager reply us!
I'm sorry for this!
I'm going to write them another mail
If we have any response, i'll tell you!